Photo by Fanny Schertzer on Wikimedia Commons


そんなヴォーターズGMの自伝というものが実は発売されていて、読んでみたので印象深かった部分を抜粋しました。自伝のタイトルは”ONE-WAY TICKET(片道切符)”


I’m not really sure why I signed up for my first bike race. I was crap at school, and crap at sports. I had very little coordination, very small muscles, and was a good six inches shorter than the next smallest kid in my class. ‘Athletic’ would be the last term anyone used to describe me. In short, I had the academic and athletic talent of a rain-soaked worm.


They all – Lance Armstrong, Bobby Julich, George Hincapie, Chann McRae – went on to have careers as some of the best cyclists of their generation. These were the people who would shape professional cycling, not just in the States, but around the world, for better or for worse, for the next three decades. But back then they were just kids trying to race bikes, like me.



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After getting absolutely slaughtered racing in Europe for two years, after suffering like a pig endlessly, riding in the gutter in the rain at 60kph and getting ruthlessly eviscerated over mountain passes week in, week out, for two years – after all that suffering – getting an A+ in a chemistry course in college seemed really fucking easy.


We were all just flawed humans trying to make the best of a short life. It was a dirty game, and now I knew the secrets to winning it. The joy drained out of me as I stood on the podium receiving my yellow jersey. This is a puppet show. This is all a big joke. Is this how all athletes feel when they win after doping . . .?



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Typically, a cycling team was run on the equation of ‘More race wins = greater publicity for sponsor = more value for sponsor’. Nobody had thought beyond that paradigm. So cycling had become like an arms race, with each team trying to win more than the others, and looking for ever more effective tools – including doping – to do that. Nobody was thinking: ‘How can we create value for our fans beyond winning more races?’


Interestingly, our ‘little brown banana’ business model would change the sport. Our run towards the Tour de France generated much more publicity for our ethical stance than teams winning twenty times the number of races we did. We were the toast of the media and, because of this, we started pulling in some major sponsorship dollars. People did prefer the little brown organic banana.



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Cycling was the equivalent of a Broadway show where the actors didn’t get paid, and where only the theatre collected money from the audience. So the actors hijacked the show by wearing shirts that had advertisers’ names on them, and got paid that way. Everyone was pissed off at each other all the time, the stage costumes looked really dumb, and little by little other forms of entertainment became more popular.


In cycling, the teams, events and riders aren’t in the same business at all. So, instead of working together, race organizers, teams and riders work to kill each other off in a parasitic and cannibalistic way. Very few people even understand this to be a fundamental issue in cycling. They just view it as ‘the way it has always been’, and then worry about burning issues like inappropriate sock length and bikes that weigh too little.






